The second installment of taxes on the Grand List of October 01, 2023 and the Supplemental Motor Vehicle List are due and payable on January 1, 2025.
Published on February 07, 2024
The 2023 Grand List had an overall increase of $78,311,007, which is an increase of 1.59% over the 2022 Grand List. The Real Estate portion of the Grand List accounts for 44% of the overall increase. The Personal Property portion accounts for 46.91% of the overall increase. The Motor Vehicle portion accounts for 9.08% of the overall increase. The Real Estate component of the Grand List experienced an increase of $34,464,166 of .86% over the 2022 Grand List. The parcel count increased by only 6 due to some parcel merges, but there was new construction completed on what was vacant land on the 2022 Grand List, including Mason Circle and Janice Drive, and the condos at Red Rock Lane were also complete. The Personal Property component had an overall increase of $36,736,095 of 9.09% over the 2022 Grand List. This increase was partially due to new business filings including NFI Industries, Curaleaf dispensary and more than 150 other new accounts. Also, in line with the Connecticut General Statutes, we did not grant exemptions to late filers if they didn't file an extension. These contributed to the increase as well. The Motor Vehicle component had an overall increase of 1.43% or $7,110,746 over the 2022 Grand List. This was due to an additional 735 vehicles on our list this year. Calculated with the current mill rate of 37.2 and the state mandated mill rate cap for motor vehicles of 32.46, the increase in the Net Taxable Grand List results in an estimated tax revenue increase of $2,879,465. View Full Summary(PDF, 504KB) 2023 Top 10 Taxpayers(PDF, 106KB)