Per State regulations, all Dogs must be licensed each year in the town where the dog resides. Licenses and tags are obtained in the Town Clerk’s Office. Dog licenses expire and are renewed in the month of June. If a dog license is not acquired by June 30th, pursuant to Sec. 22-338, General Statutes, State of Connecticut, a penalty of $1.00 will be added to each additional month the dog is not registered. Additional fees may be incurred by the Dog Warden for unlicensed dogs.
Documentation required to license:
1. A dog owner must apply for a license when a puppy turns 6 months of age or within 30 days of obtaining a new dog.
- If the adoption or purchase occurs after June, the owner must provide the bill of sale/transfer of ownership paperwork to avoid late fees. To prove ownership, present documentation from a veterinarian’s office, adoption paperwork or a bill of sale with the new owner’s information.
- Dogs brought in from another State or Country must have a certificate of Health before a license can be issued. This is typically obtained from a pet adoption agency that transports dogs across the state border. Once the dog has been brought to a CT vet, the paperwork from the vet will suffice.
2. A spay or neuter certificate will only need to be provided the first time a new dog is registered.
3. A dog’s rabies vaccine must be current in order to receive a new license.
- The dog owner must be able to provide documentation of a valid rabies certificate from a recognized veterinarian’s office. In the beginning of June, the town sends out a renewal notice for each dog listed in the town’s dog database. The notice will indicate if the rabies date on file is current or expired. If it has expired or expires in the month of June, a new rabies certificate must be provided before the new license can be issued.
- In Connecticut, all dogs over the age of 3 months are required by law to be vaccinated against rabies. Owners are required to show a vaccination certificate as proof of current rabies vaccination in order to license their dogs. Exemption of rabies is only approved by the State Veterinarian. A valid rabies exemption certificate must be provided in order to receive a new license from the town. Call the State Veterinarian at 860-713-2506 (M-F, 8:00-4:30) or visit their website for more information.
If your dog has a current 2023 license, renewals for the 2024 license and tag will not be issued until after June 1st. Late fees will be applied for any dog renewals beginning July 1st.

- All dogs six months and older must be licensed.
- Dogs must wear the town tag at all times
- A dog without a tag is presumed to be unlicensed and is not protected by law
- A tag must not be used on any other dog than the dog described in the license bearing the corresponding number
- The dog owner is liable for damage done by their dog, including damage to shrubs, flowers or trees
- Owners of roaming dogs are liable to prosecution
- When a spayed or neutered dog is licensed for the first time, a certificate from a licensed veterinarian must be presented.
- All dogs must be vaccinated against rabies and owners submit a certificate to the Town Clerk when licensing their dog. Per Sec. 22-338
FEE: |
Neutered male or Spayed female
Male or female, NOT altered
10-tag Kennel
*A kennel is defined as dogs kept for sport, sale or show.
Guide dog
*Free with satisfactory evidence presented that the dog was placed by an organization which supplies such guide dogs. Fidelco & Guiding Eyes are currently approved organizatons.
$0.00 |
Per month penalty for late registration
Already have a current year license:
Transfer from another Connecticut Town
Owner Transfer – Provide proof
Replacement for lost current tag
By Mail/Drop Box
By mail/drop box (near the handicap entrance at Town Hall)
1. Required paperwork
- Renewal notice or new dog application form
- Current rabies & spay/neuter cert for new dogs. (Owner must be listed on the certificates provided)
- The complimentary dog renewal notice will contain the current rabies date from the office's files. If it shows it is expired, submit a current rabies.
2. Fee
- Check made payable to Manchester Town Clerk's Office or credit card slip(PDF, 499KB) (spayed - $8.00 / not spayed - $19.00)
- See Dog Licensing Fees table for further information
3. Self-addressed stamped envelope
4. Completion of request
- Requests will be processed if all requirements are met.
- The new license and tag will be returned by mail or in person.
In Person
1. Required paperwork
- Renewal notice or new dog application form
- Current rabies & spay/neuter cert for new dogs. (Owner must be listed on the certificates provided)
- The complimentary dog renewal notice will contain the current rabies date from the office's files. If it shows it is expired, submit a current rabies.
2. Fee
- Check made payable to Manchester Town Clerk's Office, cash or credit card (spayed - $8.00 / not spayed - $19.00)
- See Dog Licensing Fees table for further information
3. Completion of request
- Requests will be processed if all requirements are met.
- The new license and tag will be returned by mail or in person.
By Email/Phone
1. Required paperwork
- Renewal notice or new dog application form
- Current rabies & spay/neuter cert for new dogs. (Owner must be listed on the certificates provided)
- The complimentary dog renewal notice will contain the current rabies date from the office's files. If it shows it is expired, submit a current rabies.
2. Fees
- Submit credit card slip(PDF, 499KB) or call-in payment (spayed - $8.00 / not spayed - $19.00)
- See Dog Licensing Fees table for further information
3. Email/Call
4. Completion of request
- Requests will be processed if all requirements are met.
- The new license and tag will be returned by mail or in person.

If a dog with a current license is transferred to a new owner within CT, a new license can be obtained for a fraction of the cost by presenting the original tag and license. When obtaining a dog through an owner transfer, the new owner must submit a letter from the previous owner (stating who the dog is being given to) and then submit the letter to the Town Clerk to license.
- If a dog tag is lost, the paper license should be returned before a new tag and license are issued.
- If an owner of a dog with a current license moves to another town within CT, a new license can be obtained for a fraction of the cost by presenting the original tag and license from the previous town.
- Attach the updated certificates by email if a dog’s account is only being updated with new rabies certificate, spay/neuter or owner’s information (not changing the actual owner).
- Call or email to remove a dog that has passed away, is no longer in the household or if the owner has moved out of town/state. The dog/owner account will be removed from our database.
Did you know...
There are some town ordinances and state statutes that you should be aware of as a dog owner. We have listed them here for your convenience. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with them...
- State Statute 53-247
- This statute says that you as a pet owner or keeper must provide food, water and shelter for your pet. The animal must have shelter from the elements when left out of doors. This rule also covers animals being left in vehicles. Please do not take your pet where it will have to wait for you in your vehicle. This is a DEFINITE health risk for an animal. Violations carry a mandatory court appearance
- State Statute 22-363
- It is a violation for any dog to bark to excess OR to create a disturbance OR by such barking become an annoyance to any sick person residing in the area. This circumstance could arise and become a problem if dogs are left out of doors when the owners are not at home to control them. A violate of this statute carries a $75 fine for the first offence and a mandatory court appearance for each subsequent offense.
- State Statute 22-364(a)
- It is a violation for any dog to roam at large on any town property or the property of another. A violation carries a $92 fine.
- Town Ordinance 10-8
- It is a violation for your pet to defecate on the property of another or any town property unless the owner or keeper cleans up the feces. A violation carries a fine up to $100.
- GUIDE DOGS - State Statute 22-345
- Any blind, deaf or mobility impaired person who is owner or keeper of a dog trained to guide and assist shall receive a license and tag for such dog, and no fee shall be charged. Also, dogs between 6 months and 1 year of age, placed for training as guide dogs, shall also receive a license and tag at no fee, provided satisfactory evidence is presented that the dog was placed by an organization which supplies such guide dogs.
- 22-339b
- Failing to rabies vaccinate your dog: All dogs and cats 12 weeks or older must be vaccinated against rabies. The pet owner must have written documentation from a licensed veterinarian or be subjected to a $136 fine.
- LICENSING WHEN OWNER MOVES - State Statute 22-352
- If a dog owner moves their residence to another town, they must present the license and tag to the town clerk of their new town who, for a fee of .50 cents, issues a new license and tag. The town clerk must retain the old license and tag.
- REPLACEMENT OF LOST TAG - State Statute 22-341(a)
- Replacements for lost tags may be issued by the town clerk for a fee of .50 cents.
- TEMPORARY LICENSES - State Statute 22-339a(b)
- Any person acquiring an unlicensed dog from a dog pound shall be issued a temporary license which shall expire thirty days after issuance. Prior to expiration of the license, such person must apply for a license for the remainder of the license year.
- KENNEL - State Statute 22-342
- Any owner or keeper of a kennel may apply to the town clerk of the town where the kennel is located for a kennel license. A kennel is defined as dogs kept for sport, sale or show. The license must specify the name and number of the kennel, the owner's name and the keeper's name.
Please call the Animal Control officer at 860-645-5516 with questions about any of the above statues, ordinances, and corresponding fines.
Dog License/Renewal Day & Annual Rabies Vaccination Clinic will be held on Saturday, June 1, 2024 at Charter Oak Park. For more information see attached Rabies Vaccination Clinic flyer.
Low Cost Spay/Neuter:
*State website
*Friends of Animals 1-800-321-7387
*Spay USA 1-800-248-7729
*Fox Memorial 860-594-5403
Rabies-clinic-flyer-2024.docx(DOCX, 171KB)
Manchester Animal Control/Dog Warden: (860) 645-5516
*Call if a stray dog is found to locate owner
(24 hr. voice mail – calls returned promptly)
State of CT Department of Agriculture:
For questions concerning domestic animals (e.g. biting incidents, quarantine, vaccination)
∗ Animal Control Division (860) 713-2506 (M-F, 8:00-4:30)
∗ State Veterinarian (860) 713-2506 (M-F, 8:00-4:30)
Department of Energy & Environmental Protection:
*Wildlife Division (860) 424-3011
*Emergency dispatch (860) 424-3333

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