Severe Cold Weather Alert starting from 6pm Sunday 2/16 through 12pm Saturday 2/22.
Manchester's 2021 revaluation project will begin in July 2020. Updates will be provided on this page throughout the project. The first tax bills to be impacted by the 2021 revaluation will be sent in June 2022.
Manchester 2021 Revaluation- First Notice June 15, 2020(PDF, 8MB)
Press Release- Manchester Revaluation to Begin- June 29, 2020(PDF, 173KB)
Updates on Property Assessment and 2021 Revaluation- Brochure- August 2020(PDF, 142KB)
Press Release- Tax bills due by October 1, 2020 (includes revaluation information)- Issued September 14, 2020(PDF, 254KB)
Press Release- Tax Payments Due by October 1, 2020 (includes revaluation information) -Issued 9-14-2020(PDF, 254KB)
Press Release- Manchester Revaluation Update- February 25, 2021(PDF, 247KB)
Revaluation Presentation (Board of Directors Meeting)- May 4, 2021(PDF, 740KB)
Revaluation Presentation (Board of Directors Meeting)- December 7, 2021(PPT, 318KB)