Shannon Miles named Chief Administrative Officer of the MWSD
Published on February 03, 2025
The Town of Manchester is proud to announce the selection of Shannon Miles as the new Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of the Manchester Water & Sewer Department (MWSD).
“The CAO position was a very competitive posting, but Shannon stood out as the clear choice to lead the department in 2025 and beyond,” said Town Manager Steve Stephanou. “She shares my vision of making us a top-tier utility in the region, with a strong focus on employee development, culture, customer service, and operational excellence.”
As CAO, Ms. Miles will lead MWSD, her responsibilities will include overseeing, directing, and harmonizing the operations of the Water and Sewer Department. This role is essential to ensure the accessibility of secure, dependable, and cost-effective water and wastewater utility services for residential, commercial, and industrial customers within the Town of Manchester, both presently and in the future.
“I am thrilled to be joining the Manchester Water and Sewer Department,” said Miles. “I look forward to working with our talented staff to provide the highest possible water quality and customer service at the lowest possible cost while continuing our commitment to improving the infrastructure and our community's environment.”
Miles brings over a decade of experience working in the water industry, most recently serving as Developer Services Supervisor for Connecticut Water. She holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Connecticut and is an active member of the CT American Water Works Association where she serves as Customer Service Committee Chair, DEI Committee member, a Technology Committee member, and the Administrative & Policy Council Chair on the organization’s Board.
The Manchester Water and Sewer Department operates the water and wastewater treatment facilities for the citizens of Manchester. The Water Department provides public water service and fire protection in Manchester, and portions of Glastonbury and abutting towns, serving over 16,500 domestic service lines and 1,047 fire and irrigation services. On average, 5 million gallons of water are delivered daily. The Sewer Department provides sanitary sewer collection and treatment to the Town of Manchester and portions of neighboring communities. Manchester’s sewer collection system consists of approximately 200 miles of sewer pipes, serves approximately 15,350 customers, and is designed to treat up to 8.25 million gallons per day. The Water and Sewer Department operates as a self-supporting enterprise fund and revenues collected from ratepayer’s fund expenditures. Town taxes do not supplement the Water Department's budget.