Severe Cold Weather Alert starting from 6pm Sunday 2/16 through 12pm Saturday 2/22.
Published on June 01, 2023
Hop River Trail Extension To Cheney Rail Trail
The Town of Manchester has received a $440,000 state grant through the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) Recreational Trails Grant Program for the construction of a stone dust surfaced shared-use trail along the abandoned railroad corridor between Main Street and Colonial Road.
The 1.05-mile trail would connect the existing Cheney Rail Trail with the Hop River State Park Trail and provide pedestrians and bicyclists a safe, off-road route for recreation and transportation.
The grant will cover 80% of the total project cost, estimated at $550,000. Project design and environmental permitting are scheduled for summer/fall 2023 and construction is anticipated to begin in spring 2024.
View Notice of Grant Award(PDF, 3MB)