Severe Cold Weather Alert starting from 6pm Sunday 2/16 through 12pm Saturday 2/22.
Published on December 13, 2022
The Town of Manchester is proposing to submit a grant application through the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) Recreational Trails Grant Program for the construction of a stone dust surfaced shared use trail along the abandoned railroad corridor between Main Street and Colonial Road. The 1.05 mile trail would connect the existing Cheney Rail Trail with the Hop River State Park Trail and provide pedestrians and bicyclists a safe, off-road, route for recreation and transportation. The estimated cost of the project is $400,000, which would be 80% funded by the State of CT. If selected, construction would be scheduled for 2024.
Residents and/or taxpayers of Manchester wishing to provide public comment or ask questions about this proposal may do so by contacting the Town’s Engineering Division.
By Email:
By Phone:(860) 647-3158
By Mail: Engineering Division 494 Main St. P.O Box 191 Manchester, CT 06045-0191
In Person:Engineering Division 2nd Floor, Lincoln Center 494 Main St. Manchester View Map
Hours: Weekdays 8:00am-4:30pm
Public Comment Solicitation(PDF, 3MB)