Easy Fall Yard Clean-up 2024

Published on September 24, 2024


Environmentally friendly fall yard clean-up is easy!  Here are items to consider to the extent possible:

  • Lawn - leave up to ¾” shredded leaves on the lawn.  Over several days, they will compost in and add nutrients to the soil.  Skip any fall fertilizing!  Other leaves can be spread in gardens or added to the compost pile.
  • Garden beds – let 2 or 3 inches of leaves remain in the garden beds.  These leaves provide homes for insect cocoons to winter over, which will provide essential caterpillars to feed the birds in the spring.  To discourage mice and voles, keep leaves several inches away from tree trunks until the ground is frozen.
  • Spent perennials – leave some plant stalks over the winter.  Seed heads provide food for birds, and the stems provide shelter for overwintering insects and cocoons.


For more information

Leaves, Flower Stalks, & Wildlife

Recommendation on Disposal

Conservation Commission

Sustainability Commission