Downtown Streetscape Details

Published on January 29, 2024

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The Town of Manchester is excited to have received a $7.5 million Community Investment Fund grant to fund long-sought safety and streetscape improvements to Downtown. The project is intended to do what the Manchester community has asked us to do for many years: Invest in Downtown to make it an even better destination for everyone:  Residents; Business and property owners; Customers; Employees and Visitors.

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We look forward to continuing to engage with the community in the coming months to inform community members about what is in the conceptual plans, what’s not, and to get community feedback .  

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Please visit the project web page and be on the lookout for a series of open houses. Discussion in the community has already begun, which is great! 

Here are some details for those who care about Downtown and are interested in the project:   

  • Downtown currently rates as a high crash area with numerous accidents and sadly, fatalities. 
  • Complete Streets projects typically result in increased business activity and private investment.
  • A “Road diet” is designed to make vehicular traffic through Downtown: Slower, Smoother and Safer to benefit ALL.
  • Conceptual plans show NO NET DECREASE in the number of on-street parking spaces and ADDITIONAL off-street public parking spaces.
  • The Town is actively working with representatives of the Manchester Road Race to ensure these improvements will enhance and not negatively impact, the race and other important Downtown events.
  • A mix of diagonal, parallel and off-street public spaces will remain.


Gary Anderson, Director of Manchester Planning & Economic Development | 860- 647-3044