June is Dog License Month!
Published on May 23, 2023
Manchester Town Clerk, Darryl Thames, reminds all dog owners that JUNE is dog license month. All dogs six months or older residing in Connecticut MUST have a current license.
Beginning June 1, 2023, you can purchase or renew dog licenses in person at the Town Clerk’s office, but we are asking residents to continue licensing their dogs via drop boxes at Town Hall, by mail, email, or phone payments. Fees are $8 for a spayed or neutered dog and $19 for an unaltered dog. The license is valid July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024.
All current licenses expire on June 30, 2023.
There are several ways to purchase or renew your dog license. You can do so in-person via drop boxes at Town Hall, by mail, email, phone, or online. Fees are $8 for a spayed or neutered dog and $19 for an unaltered dog. License is valid July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024.
We highly encourage folks to make their purchase through our new easy to use Online Dog License Registration system.
For options to renew or obtain a new license go to: Town Clerk - Dog License
If you choose to mail in your dog license application, please include current rabies vaccination certificate, neutering/spaying certificate (if applicable), check payable to “Manchester Town Clerk’s Office” for the appropriate fee, and a self-addressed stamped envelope. For mail and email renewals, the license and tag are mailed to you.
Please note that after June 30th, there is a state mandated $1.00 per month late penalty.
If you have any questions, please contact the Town Clerk’s Office at 860.647.3037 or Manchester Town Clerk