Sustainable Waste Management

What are the 6 R's?

The next time you're looking to make a purchase, accept a free giveaway, or throw away an item, consider the 6 R's...

Rethink Icon  Rethink - Was this item made sustainably? Will this item last?

Refuse Icon  Refuse - Do I need this item? Will I use this item? If I only need it once, can I borrow or rent it?

Reduce Icon  Reduce - Is this item disposable? Could I instead purchase something reusable?

Reuse Icon  Reuse - Can I find a used version of this item? If I don't need the item anymore, can I sell it or donate it?

Repair Icon  Repair - Can my existing item be repaired instead of replaced?

Recycle Icon  Recycle - If my item can't be reused or repaired, can it be recycled?

Check out the pages below to learn about the various resources available to creating less waste!

Rethink, Refuse, Reduce

