Severe Cold Weather Alert starting from 6pm Sunday 2/16 through 12pm Saturday 2/22.
The Town of Manchester Department of Public Works, Engineering Division proposes work under this contract that includes the resurfacing of approximately 159,000 square yards of bituminous concrete roadway at various locations in the Town of Manchester. Project includes other appurtenant work such as the resetting of catch basin tops and manhole frames; extruded concrete curb; driveway aprons; and traffic control.
Subject roads and streets will have the full depth of pavement removed and new pavement (bituminous concrete) installed, matching existing elevations, unless otherwise noted below or in the Contract Documents. The installation of new pavement typically occurs in two passes: the base course and the top course/driving surface. Look for signing indicating "Raised Structures" during the interim period between paving the base course and top course. These signs are warning of structures such as manhole covers, catch basins, and valve boxes raised above the base course such that they will be level for the final, top course paving. Paving will also include "crowning" the roadway, typically along the center line, to provide a cross-slope that directs storm water to drain away from the travel lanes to the gutterline of the roadway, where storm structures are located.
Please note that the following list may be amended without notice at any time with additional street segments added and/or removed as directed by the Engineer. Some roads listed may also not include the full length of the road. Reasons for excluding a portion or segment of a road include, but are not limited to: pavement conditions not warranting rehabilitation at this time, planned future utility and/or storm drainage work being coordinated, roadway requires more extensive reconstruction outside the scope of the subject project, or other reasons at the discretion of the Engineer.
Town owned roads and streets completed in 2022:
Roads completed in 2023:
This project is funded through the 2021 Public Works Bond Referendum.