The Town of Manchester Department of Public Works, Engineering Division proposes to construct at 5,720 linear-foot (1.08 miles) stone dust surface trail along an abandoned railroad corridor between Colonial Road and Main Street. The proposed trail construction would connect the northern limit of the Cheney Rail Trail with the western limit of the Hop River State Park Trail, closing a gap in a multi-town trail corridor serving Manchester, Bolton and Vernon.
Other work would include the installation of a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon also known as an R.R.F.B. at the Main Street trail crossing, installation of new and/or replacement sidewalk ramps to meet the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements where necessary, erosion & sedimentation control, maintenance and protection of traffic (for work within and adjacent to any roadways), restoration of disturbed areas, and other appurtenant work.
Design and Permitting: January 2025 to June 2025 Construction: September 2025 to May 2026
This project is funded through the Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (CTDEEP) Recreational Trails Grant Program.
22 Mitchell Dr, Manchester, CT 06045 View Map
22 Mitchell Dr , Manchester, CT 06045