Planning and Zoning Commission
- Planning: The Planning and Zoning Commission in its planning capacity reviews and decides on subdivision applications. A subdivision is the division of a tract or parcel of land into three or more parts or lots for sale or building development. Any land so divided after May 7, 1946, the date the PZC adopted subdivision regulations, must go before the PZC.
- Zoning: The PZC, in its zoning capacity, is responsible for reviewing and deciding on any permits required by the zoning regulations. The PZC hears and acts on changes to the zoning map and adopts and/or amends the zoning regulations. Zoning regulation or map changes may be initiated by the PZC, town residents, or property owners.
- The PZC also hears and acts on special exception applications. A special exception is a land use activity which is permitted in a zone, but not necessarily at all locations. To determine whether a special exception use should be permitted the Commission will hold a public hearing to review an application against specific criteria contained in the zoning regulations.
- Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plans fall under the jurisdiction of the PZC. These plans are required whenever at least one half acre of earth is disturbed for any development project or development site.
These areas cover the broad categories of jurisdiction of the Planning and Zoning Commission in zoning. There are other, more specialized procedures in the regulations. These include earth excavation permits and site plans in the Historic, Comprehensive Urban Development (CUD), Planned Residence Development (PRD), Elderly Housing Development (EHD), and Flood Plain zones. Applicants should consult the zoning regulations and Town Planning staff for more information on these requirements.
PZC Information, Agendas, and Minutes
Subdivision Checklist(PDF, 112KB)
Fee Schedule(PDF, 100KB)
Special Exception Process(PDF, 162KB)
Subdivision Process(PDF, 75KB)
Site Plan/Erosion Control/Flood Plain Process(PDF, 139KB)