Public Water Supply Project Notification Form

Public Water Supply Project Notification Requirements

Effective October 1, 2006, applications for any project located within a public water supply aquifer protection area or watershed area before the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Zoning Board of Appeals, or the Inland Wetlands Agency must notify the Commissioner of the CT Department of Public Health (CTDPH).

In order to determine if your project is in such an area, please contact the Manchester Planning Department at 860-647-3044. If your project falls within one of these areas, please click on the form below, complete and email to (cc: for confirmation of submittal).  A copy of the form will be placed in the application file.

Notification must be made within 7 days of the submission of the application.
Information needed to complete the form:

Aquifer Protection Areas:  New State Road, Love Lane, Charter Oak Street

Public Water Supply Watershed:  Globe Hollow Reservoir*, Lydall Reservoir No. 2*, New Bolton Road*, Porter Reservoir*, Howard Reservoir

Public Water Supply Identification Number (PWSID) for all areas is CT0770021

*Public Water Supply Watershed & Aquifer Protection Areas
If you do not have internet access, please complete the form and mail to:

CT Department of Health
410 Capitol Avenue
MS #51 WAT
Hartford, CT 06134

Contact the Drinking Water Section at 860-509-7333 with any questions.  Also submit a copy to the Manchester Planning Department for our records.