A severe cold weather alert is in effect beginning at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, January 19, 2025, and remaining in effect through 12:00 p.m. on Friday, January 24, 2025. Residents are advised to stay indoors; if you must go out, please take proper precautions. If you are at risk from the cold, please feel free to call 860-645-5500 for help.
The National Weather Service (NWS) has issued a Winter Storm Warning, which will be in effect from 1pm today, January 19th until 7am tomorrow, January 20th.The Town of Manchester is issuing a town-wide Parking Ban effective 2:00 pm today to allow Public Works crews the ability to clear snow as quickly and effectively as possible.
The second installment of taxes on the Grand List of October 01, 2023 and the Supplemental Motor Vehicle List are due and payable on January 1, 2025.
Manchester's Housing Rehabilitation Program provides financial assistance to owner-occupied or investor-owned single- and multi-family residential properties with the targeted housing rehabilitation areas of the Town. This program focuses on addressing lead-based paint and issues that would be identified by the building department under the property maintenance code.
Housing Rehabilitation Program Fillable Application(PDF, 1MB) *Please read the Housing Rehabilitation Information Packet above prior to completing the online application. Please Note: On the fillable application, the email button and print button are only compatible with Internet Explorer. If you are using another browser, you may fill in the form online then download it and email to hguerette@manchesterct.gov
If you have questions about the program or if you qualify for participation call the planning department at 860-647-3044.