Severe Cold Weather Alert starting from 6pm Sunday 2/16 through 12pm Saturday 2/22.
The Town of Manchester offers a range of development incentives through various financial and tax-related programs.
Tax Assessment Agreements: Under Section 12-65(b) of the Connecticut General Statutes, the town can enter into tax assessment agreements to establish a fixed assessment on real property. The Manchester Board of Directors reviews and approves these agreements on a case-by-case basis.
Personal Property Tax Forgiveness: Through the State's Manufacturing Assistance Act, the town and the state may grant 100% forgiveness of personal property taxes on all new manufacturing and computer equipment for a period of four years.
Negotiation of Tax Lien Sales: The town is authorized to negotiate the sale of tax liens for a negotiated price to buyers or redevelopers of tax-delinquent industrial or commercial properties.
Employee Training Incentives: The Connecticut Department of Labor provides a range of financial incentives to support employee recruitment and training. These programs may include funding for training expenses, salary support during training periods, and other financial benefits to help businesses build and expand their workforce effectively. For detailed information on available programs and eligibility, please refer to the state’s workforce support resources.
Industrial Guidelines Program Tax Agreements: The town can provide a rebate on real property taxes for up to seven years to cover the costs of public improvements required for developing industrial subdivisions.
Brownfields Redevelopment: The town can support, or act as the grantee, to secure loans or grants from regional, state, or federal agencies to assist with site assessments, identification of remediation options, or site cleanup.
Opportunity Zones: Manchester has two federally identified Opportunity Zones (OZs). Significant tax incentives may be available for businesses expanding or for real estate projects developed within an Opportunity Zone (OZ). For more information, please visit the State of Connecticut Opportunity Zone Program web page.
Gary Anderson, AICP
Director of Planning and Economic Development
Contact us to learn more about available incentives.