The second installment of taxes on the Grand List of October 01, 2023 and the Supplemental Motor Vehicle List are due and payable on January 1, 2025.
Access a comprehensive collection of data and reports that support the initiatives and projects of the Town of Manchester's Planning and Economic Development Department.
Contact the Planning & Economic Development Department at 860-647-3044 for more information.
Manchester NEXT: Plan of Conservation & Development(PDF, 173MB)
Manchester NEXT: Implementation Matrix(PDF, 405KB)
Manchester NEXT: Potential Impacts: Build-Out Analysis(PDF, 351KB)
Manchester NEXT: Public Engagement Addendum(PDF, 22MB)
Manchester 2020: Progress & Implementation Summary (2012 - 2020)(PDF, 7MB)
Affordable Housing Plan (2022)(PDF, 4MB)
Manchester Housing Profile(PDF, 763KB) (2022) (Partnership for Strong Communities)
School Redevelopment
Broad Street Redevelopment