Severe Cold Weather Alert starting from 6pm Sunday 2/16 through 12pm Saturday 2/22.
100 North Main Street Manchester, CT 06042 860-643-6892
Auditorium / King's Daughters Room - Use Application Form and Rules(PDF, 65KB)
Other meeting roms available to the public include:
*Police Department Community RoomCapacity: 40 Contact Beth Burke, 860-645-5521 *Work_Space 901 Main Street Various room sizes, capacity ranging from 12-70 Rental fees vary with room size and # of hours needed 860-647-6029 *Manchester High School, Freshmen addition Capacity: 75 Contact Betty Copeland 860-647-3511 *Shop Rite, East Hartford location Contact Rich Cohen, 860-645-3240
Information about Dr. Francis Whiton