Child Safety
Child Abuse Prevention Network - A network of organizations and individuals fighting child abuse.
Children's Safety Network - A resource center for child and adolescent injury and violence prevention.
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children - Information on the AMBER Alert system, Megan's Law, and other topics relevant to missing and exploited children.
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission - The latest recall information!
Development (cognitive, emotional, physical)
Hello Kindergarten - Explore the online toolkit for transitioning your child to Kindergarten.
Dr. Toy - Information on the best toys and educational products, as well as articles, resources, and toy-related links.
Zero to Three - Extensive site with information on child development from birth to three years of age.
Education/Child Care
(for Homeschooling, see our Homeschooling page)
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) - Information on Early Childhood Education and a searchable database of NAEYC accredited childcare programs.
Connecticut Office of Early Childhood - for daycare information
Exceptional Children
Council for Exceptional Children - Information on special education.
Exceptional Parent - Information, support and ideas for parents and families of children with disabilities.
LD Online - Leading web site on learning disabilities, learning disorders and learning differences for parents.
General sites with multiple parenting links
Children's Defense Fund - Information on and support for the Leave No Child Behind program.
Family TLC - Age-appropriate family activities - games, sports, crafts, music, cooking, nature and more. Also, parenting tips and articles on child development.
iVillage Pregnancy & Parenting - iVillage's parenting section, with articles, bulletin boards, quizzes, newsletters on topics such as fertility, childbirth, pregnancy, multiples, safety, baby care, and more.
Goal Meeting
Handipoints - Create a task chart for homework and chores and every time your child completes one, he/she gets to play with a cartoon kitten!
Health & Nutrition
Food for Tots - Children's nutrition, recipes, and an ask-the-pediatrician section. - Covers all aspects of children's health
Speechville - Resources to help the child who has difficulty with speech, language, communication, or is a late talker, who has a communication impairment or disorder.
Internet Safety
Chat Danger - Suggestions for being safe in Chat Rooms. - Detailed tips for Internet Safety, including a family contract for online safety.
ScreenIt! - Detailed movie, DVD, and video reviews. Gives MPAA rating, brief plot summary, breaks down content by alcohol/drugs, blood/gore, disrespectful/bad attitude, frightening/tense scenes, guns/weapons, imitative behavior, jump scenes, music (scary/tense), music (inappropriate), profanity, sex/nudity, smoking, tense family scenes, topics to talk about, and violence.
Baby Center - Bulletin boards, a due date calculator, birth club where you meet moms with same month due date, pregnancy calendar to track your baby's development, and lots of general pregnancy information! - Links to information on a huge array of topics related to pregnancy, including VBAC, fertility, birth plans, birth stories, a pregnancy calendar, and more!
Online Birth Center - Articles and information related to a midwife-mediated pregnancy and birth.
Jim Trelease Home Page - Read-aloud guru, Jim Trelease, offers links to some excellent homework and reading pages, as well as promoting his own books and lecture circuit.
Traveling with Kids
Travel for Kids - Useful information on places to go with children around the world. Includes wonderful bibliographies of books relating to the area you plan to visit!