Advisory Board of Health (Archived through 2023)

This board is being replaced with Health & Human Services Advisory Commission - stay tuned

The Board consists of 5 members, serving 3 years, plus the Director of Health.

The purpose of the Advisory Board of Health which is established under 15-1 of the Charter of the Town of Manchester is to encourage and promote the good health of residents of Manchester and to advise and support the Manchester Health Department in assessing the health status and needs of the community, developing policy and leadership to improve health and assuring the provision of needed services to residents. The Advisory Board of Health will coordinate and cooperate with private and public, local, regional, state and federal agencies in its efforts.

The duties of the Advisory Board of Health, in addition to those duties assigned by 15-1 of the Charter of the Town of Manchester, shall be as follows:

  • To support and participate in an on-going program by the Manchester Health Department to assess the health status, needs and resources available for the residents of Manchester, including broad representation by interested individuals and agencies in the community;
  • To recommend to the Board of Directors, Manchester Health Department, Manchester Human Services Department and other community agencies health policies and service enhancements that improve the health of residents of Manchester;
  • To provide a forum for the discussion of health issues;
  • To coordinate the development and delivery of local health programs by private and public, local, regional, state and federal agencies.

Dr. Jamshid Marvasti (Term expires November 2025)

Maria Cruz (Term expires November 2025)

Keren Prescott (Term expires November 2023)

Mary Moynihan (Term expires November 2024)

Esther Scharadin (Term expires November 2024)

The Board meets at 6:00 pm in the Weiss Conference Room (or by ZOOM) 4 times per year, February, May, August, and November on the third Wednesday.

2017 Meeting Schedule(PDF, 152KB)

2018 Meeting Schedule(PDF, 78KB)

2019 Meeting Schedule(PDF, 58KB)

2020 Meeting Schedule(PDF, 58KB)

2021 Meeting Schedule(PDF, 127KB)

2022 Meeting Schedule(PDF, 155KB)

2023 Meeting Schedule(PDF, 156KB)
