A severe cold weather alert is in effect beginning at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, January 19, 2025, and remaining in effect through 12:00 p.m. on Friday, January 24, 2025. Residents are advised to stay indoors; if you must go out, please take proper precautions. If you are at risk from the cold, please feel free to call 860-645-5500 for help.
The second installment of taxes on the Grand List of October 01, 2023 and the Supplemental Motor Vehicle List are due and payable on January 1, 2025.
State of Connecticut Firework Regulations
A Permit is required from the Fire Marshal’s Office. Permit requirements are as follows:
Select permit type: "Fire Marshal - Sale of Fountains / Sparklers"
An inspection will be completed once the Permit is approved.
Any portion of an exterior wall of a building, sidewall of a tent, or other defined perimeter of a consumer fountains/sparklers retail sales facility shall be accessible within one hundred fifty feet (150’) of a public way or an approved fire apparatus access.
The area located within thirty feet (30’) of a consumer fountains/sparklers retail sales facility shall be kept free of accumulated dry grass, dry brush, and combustible debris.
No motor vehicle or trailer used for the storage of consumer fountains/sparklers shall be parked within ten feet (10’) of a consumer fountains/sparklers retail sales facility, except when delivering, loading, or unloading fountains/sparklers or other merchandise and materials used, stored, or displayed for sale in the facility.
Fountains/sparklers shall not be ignited, discharged, or otherwise used within three hundred feet (300’) of a consumer fountains/sparklers retail sales facility or store.
At least one (1) sign that reads as follows, in letters at least four inches (4”) high on a contrasting background, shall be conspicuously posted on the exterior of each side of the consumer fountains/sparklers retail sales facility:
At least one (1) sign that reads as follows, in letters at least four inches (4”) high on a contrasting background, shall be conspicuously posted on the exterior of each side of the consumer fountains/sparklers retails sales facility:
Smoking shall not be permitted inside or within fifty feet (50’) of the consumer fountains/sparklers retail sales area.
At least one (1) sign that reads as follows, in letters at least two inches (2”) high on a contrasting background, shall be conspicuously posted at each entrance or within ten feet (10’) of every aisle directly serving the consumer fountains/sparklers retail sales area in a store:
The minimum separation distances for temporary consumer fountains/sparklers retail sales facilities are as follows:
Consumer fountains/sparklers retail sales facilities and stores shall not be located within fifty feet (50’) of the following:
Consumer fountains/sparklers retail sales and storage areas shall not be located within three hundred feet (300’) of any aboveground bulk storage or bulk dispensing area for the following:
A list of fountains/sparklers to be sold shall be supplied to the Fire Marshal’s Office, to include the name and gram amount of pyrotechnic material in each device. The total gram amount of pyrotechnic material shall not exceed one hundred (100) grams. One (1) sample of the assortment package being sold shall be opened so that individual items can be seen and identified.