As a reminder, overnight parking is not allowed on public streets or municipal parking lots between the hours of 2:00 AM and 6:00 AM from December 1st until April 1st. Parked vehicles are one of the biggest obstacles to effective snow removal. Please support winter storm response efforts by parking your vehicle in conformance with the winter parking ban.
We're looking for a few good volunteers!!!
The mission of the Manchester CERT program is to respond as a team to assist local responders, the community, NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) such as American Red Cross and/or federal agencies in local and regional emergency incidents or public service events.
CERT teams are designed to support both the first responders and the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) support functions.
To provide Manchester residents and first responders with a quality resource that is dedicated, trained and equipped to carry out special missions such as:
Please contact the Office of Emergency Management at 860-647-5259 or e-mail, if you would like to volunteer for any of the following:
Contact us: