As a reminder, overnight parking is not allowed on public streets or municipal parking lots between the hours of 2:00 AM and 6:00 AM from December 1st until April 1st. Parked vehicles are one of the biggest obstacles to effective snow removal. Please support winter storm response efforts by parking your vehicle in conformance with the winter parking ban.
The Office of Emergency Management is always looking to identify Manchester residents who have functional conditions that may impact their ability to safely evacuate their homes in an emergency. These conditions may include but are not limited to:
In the case of an emergency, this information will be used to help us serve you better. The information you provide will be entered into a computer database where it can be accessed immediately. We have a computerized map of the town and will be able to locate precisely where you live. Seconds count in an emergency. Should a situation occur where we would need to contact you, the information you provide will help us do so.
If you or someone you know has a condition that we should be aware of and would like to be placed on our functional needs list, please call our office at 860-647-5259 or send us an e-mail at the address listed below.
Please provide us with the following information: (SPECIAL NOTE: The information below will NOT be divulged to any person or sold to any company. The data will only be used during an emergency to assist our responders to more quickly identify people who may need additional assistance during an emergency).
Note: Our office knows that when the power is out, most homes will be without heat. We will monitor weather conditions and temperatures and open a shelter when low temperatures put the elderly and others at risk.
For more information or to ask a question please contact the Office of Emergency Management at:
Contact us: