Police Officer - Entry Level

Applications closing on December 31, 2024, 04:30 PM

Police Officer - Job Description


Title: Police Officer

Department: Police

Reports To: Chief of Police

NATURE OF WORK Makes investigations of violations of laws and ordinances. Maintains order and protects life and property.

ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS Responds to calls. Perform searches of persons, vehicles, and various types of premises. Drive motor vehicles under emergency and non-emergency circumstances. May administer first aid, patrol assigned area. Identify, warn, arrest or cite offenders for traffic, non-traffic, and parking offenses. Transport prisoners. Assist elderly, disabled, or stranded motorists. Check condition/status of assigned patrol equipment. Investigate traffic accidents and aid the injured. Collect physical evidence from accident scenes. Enforce traffic and parking laws and ordinances. Administer sobriety tests, arrange for blood/urine samples, operate breathalyzer. Control, regulate, direct pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Identify/apprehend offenders, advise persons of constitutional rights. Seize contraband, conduct frisks, handcuff, fingerprint suspects or prisoners. Use deadly force when necessary. Pursue suspect in vehicle. Investigate crime scenes, accidents, crimes against persons and property. Search premises, suspicious persons or vehicles. Diagram crime, accident scenes. Locate witnesses; interrogate suspects. Investigate complaints. Collect, preserve evidence; inventory stolen property. Make judgments re: probable cause for warrantless searches. Search for missing people. Document chain of custody for evidence. Check status on stolen property through computer network, trace stolen goods. Review information on criminal activity in area, conduct surveillance of individuals/locations. Provide accurate oral descriptions of suspects. Attend roll calls. Exchange information with other law enforcement officials. Conduct interviews. Explain complaints to offenders, victims, witnesses; advise them on legal procedures. Mediate family disputes, establish rapport, interact with citizens; comfort emotionally upset persons. Conduct parent-juvenile conferences. Refer persons to agencies providing social services. Place children in protective custody. Confer with prosecutors or Town attorney. Read, review reports/notes for court testimony. Testify in criminal and civil court cases or hearings. Present evidence in legal proceedings. Write reports. Train other personnel and new officers. Determine whether incidents are criminal or civil, serve subpoenas and search/arrest warrants. Make judgments re: arrest/release of suspects/offenders.

OTHER JOB FUNCTIONS Respond to/resolve animal complaints. Escort and/or evacuate persons or vehicles from dangerous areas. Organize/conduct photo or station-house lineups. Review crime lab reports and records. Examine deceased persons. Make presentations to groups. Contact supervisors at all levels regarding problems. Attend meetings/ceremonies as department representative or liaison. Perform special duties as assigned. Write memos and letters. Review and sign reports to ensure completeness and accuracy. Deal with barricade/hostage situations. Conduct or supervise searches of property. Inform other units of major incidents. Determine necessity of complaint investigations.  

KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Good social skills and general intelligence. Ability to follow oral and written instructions and to deal effectively with others. Ability to make written reports of investigations and to express oneself clearly and concisely both orally and in writing. Ability to understand and enforce laws dealing with criminal acts. Ability to learn and apply modern practices in the investigation of crime.

PHYSICAL AND MENTAL EFFORT/ENVIRONMENTAL AND WORKING CONDITIONS Subdue and arrest a resisting individual. Must be able to perform an evasive maneuver to recover weapon from suspect, and walk up and down one to three (1-3) flights of stairs. Must be able to run fast for a distance less than 50 yards to apprehend suspects or to assist person requiring emergency assistance. May need to forcibly enter buildings, jump down from elevated surfaces, pull self up over obstacles, or climb over obstacles lower than six feet. Must be able to walk/run for up to a half mile. May lift, push, pick up and/or carry objects or equipment weighing 50 to 150 pounds. May need to climb through small openings and/or crawl in confined areas. Must be able to walk, stand and sit for prolonged periods. Must be able to see objects far away, as in driving, and closely, as in typing a report. Must be able to discriminate colors, as in vehicle or house color. Must have a minimum corrected vision to 20/30 in both eyes. Must be able to hear normal sounds with some background noise. Must be able to communicate through human speech. Must be able to perform moderately difficult manipulative skills, such as firing a weapon, applying handcuffs, writing and maintaining target practice skills. Must be able to remember task/assignment during shift and extending several days. Ability to get along with co-workers, supervisors, customers and the public at large. Possible exposure to blood, body tissues or fluids. Exposure to extreme high and low temperatures, dust, loud noises, bodily injuries, high humidity and wetness.

MINIMUM TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE Must possess an Associate’s Degree, 60 college credits or two years of full-time active military service with an honorable discharge or continued service in the reserve force. Must possess a valid Connecticut motor vehicle operator’s license. Must meet the eligibility requirements of the Municipal Police Training Council.


Approved, Board of Directors: June 14, 2000, Action #226-00 Revised May 13, 2003 


General Police Officer - Applicant Information

Police Officer Applicants(PDF, 189KB)

A Police Officer of the Town of Manchester represents the Town and performs duties affecting safety and security of the community. The process of selecting people for employment as Police Officers is extremely important and includes several parts. The process is described below. Please read through the entire description. It includes valuable information about what will be required of you during this process. No part of the testing process requires any prior knowledge of law enforcement.


Hiring Standards for Police Officers


Applicant Hiring Standards(PDF, 22KB)

The Town of Manchester would like to thank you for your interest in employment with our Police Department. We are very dedicated in our objective to hire the most qualified individuals through a strong commitment to our hiring standards. Below is a list of specific guidelines we follow when reviewing applicant backgrounds. The information listed does not constitute all applicable hiring standards of this Department. The Police Officer Standards and Training Council requires, as a condition of appointment to a position of probationary candidate in law enforcement unit in the State of Connecticut, that the candidate has no criminal record revealing any conviction, under federal or state law, of any felony, or whose criminal record has any conviction of any Class A or Class B Misdemeanor, or of any crime in any other jurisdiction that would if committed in this state, constitute a Class A or Class B misdemeanor, or who has committed any act which would constitute perjury or false statement.

In addition you are not eligible for employment with the Manchester Police Department if:

• You have been convicted of a felony crime or a crime for which you would be required to register per Connecticut state law.

• You have been convicted of any Class A or Class B misdemeanor other than minor traffic violations.

• You have been convicted of a DWI within five (5) years of your application date; or convicted of two (2) DWIs regardless of the time frame.

• You have been arrested/convicted of domestic violence or domestic assault.

• You have been dishonorably discharged from any military service.

• You have been terminated for cause from a department of local, state or federal government.

Taking or possessing without prescription or experimenting with the following drugs will be disqualifying within one (1) year of the date of the written exam:

• Cannabis substances (i.e. marijuana, hashish, hash oil, gange, etc.)

Taking or possessing without prescription or experimenting with any of the drugs in the following categories will be disqualifying within three (3) years of the date of the written exam:

• Steroids (i.e. dianabol)

• Cocaine

Taking or possessing without prescription or experimenting with any of the drugs in the following categories will be disqualifying no matter what the time frame:

• Hallucinogens (i.e. LSD, PCP, peyote, mushrooms, acid, mescaline, etc.)

• Narcotics (i.e. heroin, morphine, opium, codeine, methadone, etc.)

• Stimulants or depressants (crank, crystal methamphetamine, GHB, ecstasy, etc.)

Other areas of concern include, but are not limited to, the categories listed below:

• Employment/military history

• Driving history

• Financial history

• Criminal activity/involvement

• Truthfulness/character issues

Candidates who are issued a conditional offer of employment by the Chief of Police, will be given a polygraph and will include an extensive interview by a background investigator and will be questioned on all of the above areas in a polygraph examination. If you have any questions about any of the above information, please speak with a Police Department or Human Resources Department representative.


Body Art and Modifications Policy for Police Officers

 Town of Manchester Police Department Body Art and Modifications(PDF, 222KB)

Dear Police Officer Candidate: As a condition of obtaining and continued employment with the Town of Manchester Police Department, all Police Officers shall adhere to the following standard regarding Body Art and Modifications: Body Art and Modifications – Tattoos and other forms of body art/modification can be perceived as unprofessional or offensive to certain members of the community. As a result, officers and civilian personnel are cautioned that tattoos or other forms of body art/modification in both covered and concealed areas of their body should not represent alliance with any group or organization which could place the employee’s impartiality and/or judgment into question, thereby, rendering them ineffective in law enforcement.

1. Tattoos

 Tattoos representing bias against any protected class are prohibited.

 Tattoos representing gang alliance or allegiance are prohibited.

 Offensive and/or inappropriate tattoos that are visible to the public are prohibited. This includes:

          o Vulgar or lewd images;

          o Visual or written profanity or expletives.

 Facial, head, hand, mouth, and neck tattoos are prohibited.

2. Body Modification

 Visual sub-dermal or transdermal implants are prohibited, except for medical reasons.

 Visible branding or intentional scarring or mutilation must adhere to the tattoo policy outlined above.

3. Personnel in violation of this order have the option of:

 Covering the body art with a long-sleeve uniform;

 Utilizing a tattoo concealment product;

 Removal of the tattoo/implant – at the employee’s expense.

Piercings and Jewelry – Except for those designated under Section 3 Exceptions, all sworn personnel are prohibited from wearing ear plugs, nose, and/or any visible body piercings while on duty.

1. Piercings – Visible body piercings will not be worn while on duty by any male sworn employee of MPD. For a limited period of time, an exception will be made for recent ear piercings which must remain open to prevent sealing.

2. Jewelry – Any jewelry worn by sworn personnel, while on duty and in uniform, must not interfere with an officer’s equipment and must not present a hazard to the officer. If visible to the public, the jewelry must be unobtrusive and present a neutral appearance. Sworn personnel will comply with the following:

 Wedding rings or other type of rings worn in a conservative style are permitted, so long as they do not interfere with an officer’s equipment and do not present a hazard to the officer.

 Watches are permitted as well as emergency/medical alert bracelets or id.

 Chains/necklaces and other ornamental jewelry must be concealed while on duty and in uniform. The wearing of chains, necklaces, bracelets, and other ornamental jewelry is discouraged, but if the officer chooses to do so, the jewelry worn must not interfere with the officer’s equipment or present a hazard to the officer.

3. Exceptions

 While on duty, female sworn employees of the Manchester Police Department may wear earrings in the form of ear studs/small earrings that will not interfere with the officer’s equipment and must not present a hazard to the officer. If visible to the public, the jewelry must be unobtrusive and present a neutral appearance.

Dental Ornamentation – The use of gold, platinum, silver, or other veneer caps for the purpose of ornamentation is prohibited. Teeth, whether natural, capped, or veneered, shall not be ornamented with designs, logos, jewels, initials, etc.

Police Officer - Online Application - to apply online at policeapp.com

Police Officer - Print Application