A severe cold weather alert is in effect beginning at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, January 19, 2025, and remaining in effect through 12:00 p.m. on Friday, January 24, 2025. Residents are advised to stay indoors; if you must go out, please take proper precautions. If you are at risk from the cold, please feel free to call 860-645-5500 for help.
The second installment of taxes on the Grand List of October 01, 2023 and the Supplemental Motor Vehicle List are due and payable on January 1, 2025.
Retired Teachers Association of Manchester will be holding its Tuesday, April 4 brunch at Georgina’s Restaurant beginning at 9:30 a.m. The important program “Spamming Seniors” will be presented by a representative from the CT Attorney General ‘s office. Members and guests interested in attending this important program contact Ginny Schneider, president: vschneid@comcast.net or 860-454-4540; so you can reserve your seat by March 23. Georgina's needs a count by then!!!