Severe Cold Weather Alert starting from 6pm Sunday 2/16 through 12pm Saturday 2/22.
October 2023 Wednesday, October 4th --- Young Adult Game Night Online the first Wednesday of the month at 7 pm. Visit to register. Thursday, October 5th --- Family Support Group Meets the first Thursday of the month via Zoom from 7 to 8:30 pm.* The Zoom links for this support group are sent to affiliate and support group members prior to each meeting. Wednesday, October 11th --- Family Support Group Meets in person the second Wednesday of the month at St. Isidore and Maria at St. Paul Church, 2577 Main Street, Glastonbury from 7 to 8:30 pm. Monday, October 16th --- The Spouse/Partner Support Group Meets on the third Monday of each month via Zoom at 7 pm. For more information go to Wednesday, October 18th ---Young Adult Game Night. Meets In Person on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6 pm. Manchester Community College, L243 MP Classroom. For more information contact Torry: Thursday , October 19th --- Family Support Group Meets in person the third Thursday of the month at Center Congregational Church, 11 Center Street, Manchester from 7 to 8:30 pm. NAMI Young Adult (ages 18-29) Groups Meets at various times all month long: Choices of Check-In, Rainbow groups, Self-Discovery, and Game Night, among others! Go to Contacts are Val at or Sarah at *For more information about the Family Support Groups, call Tina at 860-906-7385 or email Roberta at