Severe Cold Weather Alert starting from 6pm Sunday 2/16 through 12pm Saturday 2/22.
Our next monthly meeting is one you won't want to miss. A team from Eastern Conn. Health Network will be updating us on ECHN happenings that directly affect our communities and our health.
Please come early for networking if you can.
WHEN: Thursday, October 5th, 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. (networking 15 minutes before and after)
WHERE: ASM (Ambulance Service of Manchester), 275 New State Road, Manchester
Thank you for being part of MCSC. Be sure to renew or join at:
About the Manchester Community Services Council:
Founded in 1972, MCSC provides a forum to address the needs of the Manchester community. The nonprofit organization is dedicated to supporting community alliances that remove barriers to human services as a critical component for enhancing the quality of life for all Manchester residents. Interested citizens, agencies, nonprofits and businesses are welcome to attend monthly meetings, mostly on the first Thursdays of September through May. Learn more at