Parking Ban is in effect from 2 p.m Saturday 2/15 through 8 p.m Sunday 2/16.Severe Cold Weather Alert starting from 6pm Sunday 2/16 through 6pm Saturday 2/22.
The Manchester BEARS in conjunction with Manchester Emergency Management Agency is sponsoring a certification class for the basic ham license (technician level). The cost of the class is free. There is no age limit, but youths must take and pass the same test as the adults.
The classes begin Friday October 6, 2023 and continue every Friday for 5 weeks, with the review and exam on November 3, 2023.The classes are free, but the FCC has a $15.00 test fee and license fee of $35.00 due on exam night. The classes start at 7:00 PM and finish before 9:30 PM.
Once certified what can you do? You can literally talk to the world – for free! Alternatively, you can join the Manchester Emergency Communications team (known as EMCOMM). The Emcomm team practices their radio skills every Tuesday evening NETs (participation on these local check-ins is encouraged – it is not mandatory). If this is something that interests you and you have additional questions, please see the contact information below.
Classes will be in person classes at the Emergency Operations Center, 321 Olcott St second floor.
The classes have a limited number of seats available and tend to fill up quickly. If you are interested or have any questions or wish to enroll in class, please send an email to: Don Janelle, Manchester Emergency Management,
321 Olcott St, 06040, View Map
321 Olcott St , 06040