Severe Cold Weather Alert starting from 6pm Sunday 2/16 through 12pm Saturday 2/22.
Great Lawn History Walk
The public is invited to a free walking tour in the Cheney historic district on Saturday, June 17, at 1:00 p.m. The one-and-a-half-hour walk starts at 146 Hartford Road, Manchester, and will proceed along the street and lawn to view the exterior of historic mansions, with a visit to the nine acres purchased by the Town of Manchester in 2005 for open space and historic preservation. Hosts Tom Ferguson and Susan Barlow, members of the Cheney district commission, will comment on the historic landscape and buildings. There is some steep and uneven ground, so participants should wear sturdy shoes or boots. Extreme weather cancels, but the walk will be held if light rain, so please bring an umbrella. This walk is one of the Town Historian’s 23 walks during 2023, part of the Town’s bicentennial festivities. The next two walks, both at 1:00 p.m.: • Saturday, July 1, starting at the parking lot north of St. James Church, 896 Main Street, and • Sunday, July 9, starting at 549 Middle Turnpike East, the Senior Center. More information about local history at
146 Hartford Rd., 06040, View Map
146 Hartford Rd. , 06040
Photo on left:
Caption: 1911, Charles Cheney house on the Great Lawn.