Country Fair

The Annual "New England Country Fair" Will Be Held At 2nd Congregation Church, (385 N. Main ST)

On Saturday November 5th From 9:00AM TO 3:00PM.

This is one of the oldest craft fairs in town and is known for outstanding vendors and outstanding "church lady food" to purchase.

There are a very few spots open for vendors if anyone is interested.  The cost is $40/table and you can obtain an application by calling the church at (860) 649-2863 and leaving a message for Carol Clark.

In addition to being a fun event, many people bring a donation for the Foodshare Food Pantry of the church--not required, but admission is free and the pantry does wonderful work.  




  • Saturday, November 05, 2022 | 09:00 AM - 03:00 PM