Comprehensive and Long Term Planning

The department performs research, statistical analysis, and information management in connection with the Comprehensive Plan of Development and other special studies related to the Town's development.

Manchester NEXT: Plan of Conservation and Development

The Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD) is a long-range policy document that establishes visions and goals and guides Town growth through 2033. The POCD is used to help guide and improve livability, economics, mobility, recreation, employment, housing, and resilience throughout the Town.

The State of Connecticut requires municipalities and regional councils of government to prepare and update their respective plans of conservation and development at least once every ten years. The Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town are now working on carrying out the recommendations of Manchester NEXT.

Manchester Next Logo_small.png

Click here(PDF, 173MB)  to view Manchester NEXT, the Town of Manchester’s Plan of Conservation and Development.

Click here(PDF, 395KB) to view the Manchester NEXT Implementation Matrix.



Gary Anderson, Director of Planning, or call 860-647-3044

Emma Petersen, Principal Comprehensive Planner, or call 860-647-3042


Manchester 2020

Manchester 2020 is the Town’s former Plan of Conservation & Development.

Manchester Logo 2020

(PDF, 1MB)Progress & Implementation Summary(PDF, 7MB)